Sudden change of schedule

Hello Dear Sangha Members,

Tashi delek. I am writing to you all to let you know that a wonderful opportunity has presented itself to me. A senior Rinpoche from Tibet has requested my teacher, Khabje Yongyal Rinpoche, for a very important transmission, "Pha Re Gyat Tsa", "the transmission of 100 lineages". The Rinpoche from Tibet has just landed in L.A. and will begin receiving the transmission on Sunday. This happened very quickly, and my teacher called me a few days ago inviting me to receive the transmission as well. It is a very fortunate opportunity and I am only very sorry that it will take me away from our classes.

The transmission usually takes a month, but my teacher, knowing of my desire to teach you, is planning on reducing his commentaries in order for me to resume teaching classes here starting on Monday, April 21st.

During the time between now and then, I hope your practice will stay steady and I will wish you well from where I will be. I look forward to seeing you upon my return and apologize for this sudden notice although the blessing is large.

With Warm Regards,
Achok Rinpoche