Teaching by Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche in New York

Dear Everyone,

Hello. I have some lovely news to report. On October 25 the Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche will arrive at the center.

The following day we will be going out of town until our return on December 6. Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche has very kindly agreed our request to give a ‪Solitary Hero Yamantaka Empowerment.

It will be given over two days

Saturday, Dec. 7th at 2.00pm

Sunday, Dec. 8th at 1.00pm .

This initiation requires one to have previously taken the refuge vow and to have received Lam Rim teachings, training and continues with the practice. After the initiation, commitment of this Initiation is to practice the Six Session Guru Yoga six times in your daily life. If you qualify and wish to receive this initiation, please email us.

It is a very auspicious and fortunate opportunity to have Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche here giving this teaching.

Also, Ven. Achok Rinpoche will resume his Monday and Tuesday evening teachings
December 16th at 7.00pm

December 17th at 7.00pm

Rinpoche and I look forward to seeing you.

With Best Wishes,
