Hello from India

Hello Dear Everyone,

Ven. Rinpoche and I send you greetings from India and hope that you are well. We hope that you had a lovely summer and are enjoying this fall weather.

We are very, very sorry to inform you that our most dear and kind Margot Willkie passed away on August 21st. She passed very peacefully during the full moon in her lovely house by the water on Martha’s Vineyard. We feel very, very blessed to have known her and are saying many prayers for her as she travels in the bardo, with wishes for her to meet with a wonderful new incarnation.

Her 49th day ceremony will be at the center on October 8th at 5:30 pm. A Guru Puja will be performed. You are most welcome to attend. Her family and friends will be attending the puja as well.

The following day, Oct. 9th, her family will be giving a service at The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan. The service will be at 5:30 and there will be a reception that follows the ceremony on the grounds of the cathedral. Everyone is invited.

We look forward to resume teachings by Rinpoche and we will let you know the dates that classes will begin again as soon as we know the date of our return.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me by email.

With Many Tashi Deleks,